Health Services » Immunizations


Important Immunization Information


  • Entering 7th grade students will need 2 additional vaccines
  • Graduating Seniors will need a Meningococcal Vaccine before attending college
  • Get with your school nurse if you need more information



The Texas Department of Health has ruled that students be current with immunizations in order to attend school unless an exemption has been filed with the school in accordance with Texas Education Code, Health and Safety, Chapter 38.0001. The school nurse will notify the parent or guardian when an immunization is due; however, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure that the immunization is received and that documentation is provided to the school nurse. If a student is not in compliance with the state requirements, then exclusion from school will be necessary until the required immunization is received.


Immunizations and flu shots may be obtained from your family physician or from the Nueces County Health Department. The Nueces County Health Department is located at 1702 Horne Road, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78416. For more information, you may contact the health department at (361) 826-7200.


The Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §97.62 describes the conditions under which individuals can seek exemptions from Texas immunization requirements. Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis for medical contraindications, active duty with the armed forces of the United States, and reasons of conscience, including a religious belief.


When requesting an exemption, an original affidavit form, signed and notarized, must be presented to the school. Affidavits are valid for two years. Visit the Texas DSHS website for more information or to request an affidavit form: