TIA Overview
The Texas Legislature created the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) as part of House Bill 3 to help recruit, retain, and reward effective educators in the classroom at high-needs campuses. The TIA would provide additional funding to eligible teachers who earn local designations through this allotment system. Robstown ISD has applied to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to participate in this process.
Designations are distinctions awarded to highly effective teachers. TIA established three levels of designation: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. Designations are awarded to teachers either through their district’s local designation system or by achieving National Board Certification. Teachers with an active National Board certification may be designated as Recognized be the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
Process for Designation
Once a teacher is designated, they may generate an annual allotment for their employing school district based on their campus of employment for five continuous years.